» Manuals » Ontario » Regional » Habitats » Weeds » Edible » Other »» Wildflowers »» Ferns »» Grasses »» Mosses « Ontario Field Naturalist's Toolchest |
Covers all our vascular plants (woody plants, ferns and grasses but not mosses and their allies). A comprehensive book that is rather scientific, expensive and recommended only for advanced plant enthusiasts. Illustrated Companion to Gleason and Cronquist's Manual GB The manual of vascular plants is primarily a key and this book provides illustrations to make it easier to use. Minnesota Flora Am Wisconsin Flora Am Michigan Flora Upper Peninsula GB These three are by the same author, and are of similiar format. I think these books cover almost all the plant species of each respective state..
Text is quite dated but the illustrated are great. With the number of species covered larger genuses are difficult to key. Sucks a bit it is spead out over three volumes, but copies can be found cheap. Links on technical manuals... Flora of North America A reference series to all of North America's plamts (USA and Canada), about 2/3 done. Ontario
A general plant guide for southern Ontario up to Sudbury, North Bay and Sault St. Marie. Covers trees, shrubs, wildflowers, grasses. ferns and aquatic plants. Forest Plants of Central Ontario GB Covers common trees, shrubs, wildflowers, ferns, grasses, sedges, clubmosses, horsetails, mosses, lichens and more. There is an edition for Northeastern Ontario as well. None for southern or western Ontario though. Wetland Plants of Ontario GB Similiar to Forest Plants of Cental Ontario but focuses on wetlands and covers all of Ontario. Regional
The Flora of Manitoulin Island (third edition) Pub Vascular Plants of Thickson's Woods Pub A Checklist Field, Forest, Hedgerow A hiker's wildflower guide for Prince Edward County Pub Haliburton Flora Archive
Plants of Quetico and the Ontario Shield GB Two different regional plant guides Checklist of Vascular Plants of Thunder Bay District Pub Links for regional... Southern Ontario Vascular Plant Species List Omits some northern and western species (about 500 out of 3400) but otherwise a fairly complete list of plants for Ontario. 3rd edition, 2013 Habitats
The Book of Swamp and Bog GB The Book of Field and Roadside GB The coverage of these three books is eastern North America. These books are not field guides in the conventional sense. Only common plants are covered but the write ups on each plant is superb. The write ups explores the connections between plants, bugs and their habitats. This makes these books more interesting than typical field guides and is likely to attract interest from bugsters. Winter Botany GB In the wintertime not much is going on in nature so for people interested in plants Winter Botany might cure the winter blues.. Bogs & Fens: A Guide to the Peatland Plants of the Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada Am
Common flowers seen in tallgrass prairie, an rare habitat in Ontario. A Naturalist's Guide to Field Plants: An Ecology for Eastern North America GB A Naturalist's Guide to Wetland Plants: An Ecology for Eastern North America GB A Naturalist's Guide to Forest Plants: An Ecology for Eastern North America GB
Wetland Plants of Michigan Am A Great Lakes Wetland Flora Am Wetland Plants of Minnesota Archive All by the same author. Guide to Great Lakes Coastal Plants Pub Links for habitats... Lake Huron Coastal Dune Plants Guide The Good, the Bad and the Ugly PDF The Big, Bad Book of Botany GB Astereae Lab All the asters and goldenrods of Ontario and somewhat beyond are covered. Interestingly a rather new goldenrod species has been described in 2013 and occurs in Ontario -- Brenda's Goldenrod. Aquatic Plants of Illinois Archive Weeds
Weeds of the Northeast Am Weed ID Guide for Ontario Crops Pub Links for weeds... Common Weeds of Ontario A PDF, Archived book Ontario Weeds Edible Plants
The Encyclopedia of Edible Plants of North America GB A Field Guide to Medicinal Plants and Herbs: Of Eastern and Central North America (Peterson Field Guides) GB Other Go Botany Has a bunch of useful keys for the New England area. Terms are illustrated as you go. Michigan Flora - University of Michigan Herbarium A key to plants with photos, compreshensive, technical, no illustrations. Species profiles are have interesting lore. Andy's Northern Ontario Wildflowers Has nice habitat pictures and includes info on mosses, fungi, mushrooms, lichen and ferns. Currently under reconstruction. LSU Herbaria Loads of stuff. Keys (lucid), links etc. CanPlant Filter plants by habitat, and other requirements. Not necessarily comprehensive. More for gardeners. Friends of the Wild Flower Garden Excellent close-up photographs. Could be used to understand astereae for example. Partial coverage of species. Minnesota Wildflowers Good pictures and info on plants. Grouped. Forestry Images Lots of images of plant species, diseases, silvicultural practices and other stuff Flora of Northern Alabama, Part 4 Identification keys and photographs of aquatic plants. A Field Guide to Plant Galls Northern Ontario Plant Database Extensive, southern limit of coverage is North Bay, Ontario. Some keys. An excellent primer on plant terminology. Vegetation type summaries. Canadian Museum of Nature - Our Collections - Search University of Guelph Arboretum Fowler Herbarium at Queen's University North American Network of Small Herbaria Identification Of Major Fruit Types The Biota of North America Program Lots of neat maps, but mostly for the United States. Distribution maps of species. 9 Best Plant Identification App Choices of 2020 Tested and Reviewed I disagree about the top choice PlantNet (of the free apps), it should be iNaturalist. The data that has been generated for PlantNet is lower quality than iNaturalist. The social network that reviews records for iNaturalist is much better. The model of FlowerChecker, Plant Identify and Garden Compass - SmartPlant are interesting because real botantists will identify your plant for a US dollar per identification. Forest Forensics A Field Guide to Reading the Forested Landscape GB Reading the Forested Landscape: A Natural History of Newland Am |