» Trees » Tree Dieases » Wildflowers (Herbs) » Asters & Goldenrods » Orchids » Other « Plants « Ontario Field Naturalist's Toolchest |
The recommended book for trees. Now in a second edition lightly updated. Trees and Shrubs GB Also quite good. Shrubs of Ontario Am Archive The only book on shrubs for Ontario. Woody Plants of the Northern Forest Pub Am Excellent photograpic guide to most trees and shrubs of our area. Also comes in a fold out chart and a digital atlas . Bark: A Field Guide to the Trees of the Northeast Pub Am
An OK field guide to trees. Remarkable Trees of the World Am GB Features many of the oddest trees in the world. Tree Identification Book GB An older tree identification guide. Field guide to native oak species of eastern North America GB(Full text) We only get a few species of oak but you can see this book in its entirety. Wild Berries of Ontario GB
Illustrated Guide to Trees and Shrubs GB Am Ontario's Old Growth Forests, 2nd Edition Pub A field guide not on trees but where you can find pockets of the oldest forests in Ontario. A Natural History of Conifers Am Links on trees... Ontario Trees and Shrubs Walter Muma's site on trees and shrubs. Leafsnap A field guide to leaves, flowers and fruits of trees that is available online and as an app. Misses some Ontario species but well presented. Upper Peninsula TREE IDENTIFICATION KEY Good online key but Michigan based. Tree Diseases Tree Diseases of Eastern Canada PDF Field Guide to Tree Diseases of Ontario PDF These two books on trees diseases are rather similiar Diseases of Trees and Shrubs For North America (book) Wildflowers (Herbs and some Shrubs)
Interesting key system. You create a three digit key out of flower type, plant type and leaf key. Then you follow, if necessary, a standard dichotomous the rest of the way. The most useful wildflower guide. A Field Guide to Wildflowers GB Color based guide. Great, but requires a lot of page flipping. Botany in a Day: The Patterns Method of Plant Identification Am Useful anywhere in the world. Teaches how to identify plant families. Photo Field Guide to Some Wildflowers of Southern Ontario Pub A beginner's guide, and rather inexpensive.
ROM Guide to the Wildflowers of Ontario GB Comprehensive and the only one with range maps. Ranges of plants in Ontario are poorly known so the range maps are fairly crude. Ontario Wildflowers: 101 Wayside Flowers GB A beginner's guide to wildflowers. Not many species are covered. A Guide to Wildflowers in Winter GB Wildflowers and Winter Weeds GB These last two books may cure the winter blues of some wildflower fanatics. The first one is northeastern North America based and the second is based in Michigan. Links on Wildflowers... Ontario Wildflowers variety of resources about wildflowers including a forum. Andy's Northern Ontario Wildflowers has nice habitat pictures and includes info on mosses, fungi, mushrooms, lichen and ferns. Wildflower Identification a engine to identify wildflowers and has quizzes to help you. A narrow-down your choices type by click on various aspects of the plant in question. Wildflower Photos is a field guide to wildflowers of far eastern Ontario. Partial coverage, good photos. Asters & Goldenrods
This book does these types of wildflowers best. Don't bother trying to learn the difficult to identify asters and goldenrods without them. Note that it is regional and doesn't cover all the species of these wildflower families. The Goldenrods of Ontario Review GB The Asters of Ontario Review GB These two books are more technical and are recommended if you are really into goldenrods and asters. Astercae Lab The authority on asters (more accurately astercae) , goldenrods and goldenasters. Most (or all?) of the North America (north of Mexico) are described in detail. Goldenrods of the Ottawa Region Asters of the Ottawa Region Keys to the asteraceae of Wisconsin Keys to the entire composite family Orchids
A local guide to orchids from the hotspot for orchids in Ontario. Most of Ontario's species are covered. The Wild Orchids of North America, North of Mexico GB Native Orchids of North America North of Mexico GB Two North American book on orchids. Orchids of the Western Great Lakes Region GB Links on orchids... Wild Orchids of Northern Ontario Doug Adams, a lodge operator has a mini field guide to the orchids -- many rare -- he found in Temigami. He is up to 25 species, and has perhaps found all of them now. Native Orchids of Canada Other Other taxonomic groups that are herbs.
Field Guide to the Carnivorous Plants of the United States and Canada NHBS Cinquefoils of the Ottawa Region Violets of the Ottawa Region |