» Poales
» Grasses » Sedges « Plants « Ontario Field Naturalist's Toolchest |
Poales: Grasses, Sedges and Rushes
The recommended guide to break into identifying grasses and allies. Good coverage of grasses, less so of sedges and rushes and non-polales lookalikes. This is an updated version. Links for grasses, sedges, rushes and other poales Ontario Grasses On grasses, sedges and rushes. Introduction to Grasses, Sedges and Rushes PDF Grasses
Field Guide to Wisconsin Grasses GB Grasses of Ontario GB PDF Out of print but useful for its range maps. How to Identify Grasses and Grass-like Plants Review Am Also recommended. Mostly an illustrated glossary. Grasses of the Northeast: A Manual of the Grasses of New England and Adjacent New York Am Sedges and Rushes of Maine Am Quite good I hear, but hard to get into Canada (high shipping costs) Manual of Grasses for North America GB
Field Guide to Grasses of the Mid-Atlantic Pub Links for grasses... Grasses in North America A detailed guide to the grasses of North America north of Mexico. Includes range maps, illustrations, images and other information. Incomplete and illustrations are small. Tallgrass Ontario Resources on a rare habitat in Ontario. Poaceae A key to grasses Grasses from Flora of North America Volume 24 Grasses from Flora of North America Volume 25 Sedges
Fantastic photographic guide. Also available as a foldout chart and as a digital atlas. Note that the digtial atlas is free. Sedges and Rushes of Minnesota Pub Am Outstanding comprehensive guide. Sedges of Maine Am Likely as good as Sedges and Rushes of Minnesota but expensive shipping.. Field Guide to Wisconsin Sedges GB Has some useful info on habitat. Limited to common carex species. Sedges of Indiana and the Adjacent States Volume 1 The Non-Carex Species Pub Sedges of Indiana and the Adjacent States Volume 2 The Carex Species Pub Consortium of Midwest Herbaria Consortium of Northeastern Herbaria Sedges from eFloras (Flora of North America), Volume 23 Sedges from Flora of North America, Volume 23 |