Beetles » Tiger Beetles » Lady Beetles » Fireflies » Long-horned Beetles » Other Beetles « Bugs « Ontario Field Naturalist's Toolchest |
Coleoptera: Beetles While beetles are the most diverse order of insect in the world they are second place to flies in Canada. Tiger beetles and lady bugs are the most popular types of beetles.
*Peterson's A Field Guide to the Beetles GB Black and white illustration based with color photographic plates. A good place to start learning about our beetles. American Beetles Volume 1 & 2 GB AM(Vol 1) AM(Vol 2) Reference. Illustrated key, black and white. These two comprehensive books provide keys to identify North American beetles to genus level and provide references that go to species level. So with a bit of work (well actually a lot of work) you could identify any beetle species in our area. Quite expensive. A Manual of Common Beetles of Eastern North America Vol 1 & 2 GB How to Know the Beetles GB Am Illustrated key, black and white. Checklist of beetles (Coleoptera) of Canada and Alaska. Second edition Tiger Beetles Tiger beetles are mostly found in sandy habitats and they can run very fast. Their hunting technique is run and stop, run and stop.
Illustration based, species profile separate. A comprehensive reference is tiger beetles include the various subspecies. Relative to the awesome diversity of beetles in general, you can only find between ten and twenty tiger beetle species in any area. Ontario has fourteen species. *Tiger Beetles of Alberta: Killers on the Clay, Stalkers on the Sand GB Photograph based, long species profiles. Life histories are presented in an interesting way. *Tiger Beetles of West Virginia Full PDF (Two states away) Tiger Beetles of Minnesota, Wisconsin & Michigan Am Photograph based. *Tiger Beetles of Ontario Photograph based. A good local field guide *Wisconsin Tiger Beetles Photograph based. A slick looking field guide from a neighboring state, with descriptions and personal notes *Tiger beetles of the United States Lady Beetles
Photograph based, long species profiles. Only popular guide to ladybugs in North America. The species mismatch is massive because it is written for Alberta but the text is interesting to read. Tiger Beetles of Alberta is also by the same author, John Acorn. The Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) of America North of Mexico Text Technical monograph. Studies in Coccinellidae Review PDF Extremely old, but full view *Everything About Ladybugs *Lady Beetles of Ontario is the recommended field guide for lady beetles. It also comes in two posters: a short one and a more detailed one and as a lucid key Fireflies ![]() Fireflies, Glowworms and Lightning Bugs GB Fireflies of Ontario An online field guide. Known distribution of Ontario's fireflies, lots of gaps, more data needed. No flashing patterns. *Fireflier companion. Firefly FAQ's The Firefly Files Long-horned Beetles
Illustration and photograph based. Two states over Illustrated Key to the Longhorned Woodboring Beetles of the Eastern United States Pub Field Guide to Northeastern Longhorned Beetles Pub *A Photographic Catalog of the Cerambycidae of the New World *Cerambycids.com Images of long-horned beetles *The Elaphidiini Beetle Site Nocturnal Longhorned Woodboring Beetles. Catalog, key. Other Groups of Beetles
Jewel Beetles: *The World of Jewel Beetles Leaf Beetles: Host List of Leaf Beetle Species Occurring in the United States and Canada Pub Leaf Beetles: Catalog of Leaf Beetles of America North of Mexico Pub Flea Beetles: Handbook of Palearctic flea beetles Illustrated key. Flea Beetles: *Flea Beetles of North Dakota Photographic key. Ground Beetles: Ground Beetles of Canada Photograph based. Ground Beetles: Carabidae of the World Database, photos, no key. Ground Beelets: Illustrated Identification Guide to Adults and Larvae of Northeastern North American Ground Beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) Scarab Beetles: The Scarabaeoid Beetles of Nebraska Pub Illustrated key, close-ups, species profile separate. Scarab Beetles: *Generic Guide to New World Scarab Beetles Photographic key.
Potato Beetles: The Potato Beetles: The Genus Leptinotarsa in North America (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) GB Text key. Bark & Ambrosia Beetles: The Bark and Ambrosia Beetles of North and Central America (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), a Taxonomic Monograph Full view Hispine Beetles: The Hispine Beetles of America North of Mexico (Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae) *Pub Images Illustrated key. Rove Beetles: Catalogue of Aleocharine Rove Beetles of Canada and Alaska Pub
Net-winged Beetles: Phylogeny of the tribe Erotini (Coleoptera, Lycidae), with descriptions of new taxa Full text Weevil Beetles: Rhynchophora or Weevils of North Eastern America Full Text Darkling Beetles: Darling Beetles of Ohio Pub Diving Beetles: Diving Beetles of the World Am Silken Fungus: Atomariinae of Atlantic Canada Photographic key. Silken fungus beetles |