Other Worlds

Preciptation | Winds
Preciptation Rain | Drizzle | Showers | Thunderstorms | Ice Pellets | Freezing Rain | Rain & Snow Mixed
Preciptation Snow | Flurries | Snowsqualls
Clouds Fog | Odd Clouds | Mist | Haze
Thunderstorms Lightning | Sprites & Other Stuff | Tornados | Hail

Weather in Other Places
Lightning is 1000 times stronger on Jupiter
Volcanic activity is 100 times higher on Io (of Jupiter)
http://www.crystalinks.com/volcanoesplanets.html Volcanos of the solar system
Triton has nitrogen volcano(s?)
Venus has sulphuric acid volcanos

Ground | Underwater | Underground | Underwater & Underground
Volcanoes | Earthquakes | Hot Springs | Waterfalls

Living World
Detecting Visually | Prints | Sounds
Supersenses D:\ProgramFiles\MindBusiness\doc\Supersenses.mmp
Stationary Life Trees | Plants (Lichens, Mosses, Ferns) | Fungi
Animals Tiny (Bacteria, Viruses) | Small | Medium Sized | Large (Bears)
Flying Bird Watching | Insects (Butterflies, Flies)
Bird Watching Birding Marathons | http://www.parrotdata.com/articlesny/artikler.asp?aid=127 

Methods Photography | Naked Eye | Binoculars | Telescope
Level Beginner | Amateur (Devoted) | Amateur (Technical) | Professional | Armchair
Hearing From the Net
Touch Feeling meteorites
Objects Man-made (sattelites & spacecraft) | Aurora | Meteors | Eclipses | Conjunctions | Planets | Other Solar System Objects | Stars (double | variables) | Nebulae | Clusters | Galaxies & Groups
Games Messier Marathon

Using Your Senses
Animal sounds | Natural Radio
Touch Exploration & Comparison of Textures (List of properties, Games)
Electrical | Magnetic fields | Scientific sensors | Radiation detectors | GPS | Phones | Peer to Peer

Preciptation | Winds
Preciptation Rain | Drizzle | Showers | Thunderstorms | Ice Pellets | Freezing Rain | Rain & Snow Mixed
Preciptation Snow | Flurries | Snowsqualls
Clouds Fog | Odd Clouds | Mist | Haze
Thunderstorms Lightning | Sprites & Other Stuff | Tornados | Hail

Rays & Shadows
Sunrise and sunset High-level low-level and mid-level cloud coloring | Precipiatation colors
Twlight phenomena Afterglow | Belt of Venus | Purple Red | Twilight anticrepuscular rays | Twlight Arch
Twlight phenomena Twilight crepuscular rays | Twilight wedge
Crepuscular rays | Anti-crepuscular | Cloud shadows
Opposition effect | Haze | Rayleigh scattering | Reddening at horizon | Silver linings

Water Droplets
Corona | Clouds & Fog | Iridescent Clouds | Fogbow | The Glory | Heiligenschein | Cloud Bow | Dew Bow | Brocken Spectre | Anitsolar iridscence | Corona | Glory | Iridescence

Rain & Rainbows Single & double rainbows | supernumerary rays

Ice Halos
Common 22 Degree | Parhelia (Sun Dogs) | Upper/ Lower Tangent Arc | Sun Pillar | Circumzenith Arc | Parhelic Circle
Uncommon 46 Degree Halo | 120 Degree Pahelia | Parry Arcs | Pyramidal Crystal Halos | Supra/Infralateral Arcs | Subsun | Circumhorizontal

High Atmosphere Nacreous Clouds | Noctilucent clouds

Atmospheric refraction
Distortion of sun & moon | Flattening of sun & moon | Green flash | Red Flash | Inferior mirages (land | road | water) | Superior mirages | Shimmering

Reflection phenomena Glitter path | Water reflections

Various phenomena Mach bands | Sky polarization

Low-level clouds Fog | Fractocumulus | Nimbostratus | Stratocumulus | Stratus
Mid-level clouds Altocumulus | Altostratus | Castellanus | Floccus
High-level clouds Cirrocumulus | Cirrostratus | Cirrus
Cumuliform clouds Cumulonimbus | Cumulus congestus | Cumulus humilis | Cumulus mediocris
Mesospheric clouds Noctilucent clouds
Contrails Contrail dipole vortices | Contrail funnels | Contrail instability waves | Contrail ring vortices
Contrails Contrail shadows | Contrail shearing | Contrails | Distrails | Shear (wing) funnels
Various cloud forms Cloud streets | Funnel clouds | Horseshoe-vortices | Lenticularis | Mammatus | Pileus
Various cloud forms  Praecipitatio | Pyrocumulus | Smog | Tuba | Virga
Severe weather Gust fronts | Gustnadoes | Haboobs | Hail fallstreaks | Roll clouds | Scud clouds | Shelf clouds
Severe weather  Storm flanking lines | Storm skyscapes | Tail clouds | Tornadoes | Updraft cumulus
Severe weather Updraft turrets | Wall clouds | Whale's mouth
Thunderstorm types: Multicell storms | Single-cell storms | Supercell storms

Ice & frost: Ice | Ice flowers | Ice-coated vegetation | Icicles | Lake ice | Rime | Snowscapes
Precipitation Hailstones | Snowflakes and ice crystals
Weather effects on soil Beach sand ripples | Soil mud crust
Light interference Soap film colors
Nocturnal phenomena Clouds at night | Light pollution