Aquatic Invertebrates
» Crayfish » Molluscs » Land-based Invertebrates » Spiders » Earthworms » Other « Bugs « Ontario Field Naturalist's Toolchest |
Aquatic Invertebrates The term invertebrates covers a large number of living organisms. Insects are covered on the Bugs page. Aquatic invertebrates and non-insect land-based invertebrates are covered here.
The best field guide for aquatic invertebrate. Covers common species. The only book of this group designed for amateurs. Freshwater Invertebrates of North America Am A new book, just published or about to be published, that is also good for amateurs. Uses photographs. Extensive information on the biology of invertebrates. Freshwater Macroinvertebrates of Northeastern North America GB Pennak's Freshwater Invertebrates of the United States GB Flash Cards of Common Freshwater Invertebrates of North America Set One - Major Classes and Orders Am Zooplankton of the Great Lakes GB Use of a dissecting microscope necessary for this book.
A.K.A flukes. A fluke is a parasitic worm. How to Know the Tapeworms GB I doubt many people are interested in flukes and tapeworms but they are included here for completeness. These two groups gross out even the author of this website. Introduction to the aquatic “macro” Invertebrates of Southern, especially Eastern, Ontario Download Pub Of note is a bryozoan found in Trout Lake near North Bay. Also it has some coverage of snails along with its general coverage of macro invertebrates. It is not yet in its final form. Canada's Aquatic Environment This website gives general information on aquatic plants, animals and their habitats. Most of the links to outside the website are dead. Freshwater Jellyfish (Link in limbo currently) Would you believe that a freshwater jellyfish has been spotted in Lake Nipissing? Its true. More information here on it. Field Guide to Aquatic Phenomena A nice little guide to general things that happen in aquatic environments. Well worth checking out. Fairly basic and easy to understand. Criconematina A suborder of nematodes (eelworms). Macroinvertebrates Identification Key An online interactive key. Outstanding. Crayfish *Crayfish of Ontario Illustration based. A complete crayfish field guide. Small print out to Ontario's nine species. Ontario also has two sowbugs which are the only other crustaceans. *Ontario, Canada - Crayfish Species Checklist which is at the Global Crayfish Resources website. Additional information on crayfishes. Molluscs
Black and white illustrated guide to molluscs. Ontario probably has about 200-250 species of molluscs. In addition to identifying shells found in nature you could also use this book to identify shells from places that sell used goods. Photo Field Guide to Mussels of Ontario >> GB Mussels are a particular type of mollusc. Most of the 43 species in Ontario covered by the book are in southern Ontario. Mussels are among the most endangered of organisms in North America How to Know the Eastern Land Snails GB Archive The other two books cover freshwater snails. This one covers land snails. Even though a snail is on land it still requires a fairly wet environment. Freshwater Molluscs of Elgin County, Ontario GB No image Identifying Land Snails and Slugs in Canada – Introduced Species and Native Genera Review Pub Freshwater Snails of Ohio PDF Identification of Eastern North American Land Snails (PDF) A Guide to Terrestrial Gastropod Identification (PDF) Distribution maps Terrestrial Mollusc Key Karstad Art -- Slugs Artwork of slugs, can be used for identification Mollusk Quick Reference Guide Offers some life cycle information. Archived. Freshwater Mussles A conservation document filled with interesting tidbits of certain at risk species Freshwater Gastropods of North America Freshwater snails. Species infomation is for southern US. Some species may reach into Ontario. Land-based Invertebrates Spiders
Photograph based. A practical field guide. Now in its second editon, much improved *Spiders of the Eastern United States: A Photographic Guide GB Photograph based. Arachnids GB Photograph based. The Orb-weaving Spiders of Canada and Alaska - The Insects and Arachnids of Canada Part 23 GB Text key with some black and white illustrations\. *Spiders of Toronto Pub Part of a biodiversity series. As accessible as Spiders of the North Woods and almost as good. *Common Spiders of North America Am Spider Identification Guide Looks good. Jumping Spiders of America North of Mexico Photograph based. *Jumping Spiders Videos. Dick Walton - Natural History Services - Online Video A Guide to Some of Ontario's Spiders SpiderID Earthworms Earthworms are not native to our area. The last ice age killed off Ontario's native earthworms. Earthworms do damage outside of agriculture.
A nice, full color and rather small field guide. The Earthworms of Ontario GB An older guide that is much less user friendly but does contain useful range maps. More technical. Online worm field guide From the Worm Watch website. Other Land-based Invertebrates Millipedes of Ohio PDF A Manual of Acarology, Third Edition GB Mites How to Know the Mites and Ticks GB Harvestmen: The Biology of Opiliones Pub Classification of Opiliones Harvestmen Checklist of the Collembola of the World All about springtails, the smallest of the bugs |