Scales for Rating Activities

Ranking Exercising Options

0 Stars: Low intensity, worthless for fitness
1 Stars: Low intensity with perhaps periodic intense bursts of activity
2 Stars: Medium intensity, many breaks in activity, not aerobic
3 Stars: Continuous activity, half body workout, aerobic zone hit
4 Stars: Vigorous activity, full body workout
5 Stars: High intensity activity, total body workout

Ranking Expense

0: Using existing equipment: Free
1: <$100 Canadian: Cheap entry (used)
2: <$300 Canadian: Affordable entry (low-end new)
3: <$600 Canadian: Modest entry (medium-end new)
4: <$1000 Canadian: Serious entry
5: <$2000 Canadian: Dedicated and expensive (high-end new)
6: <$5000 Canadian: Elite
7: >$5000 Canadian: For the rich only


0: Impossible
1: Highly unlikely, many happen a few times for trails user over the lifetime of a trail
2: Likely happen at least once
3: From time to time, once or twice a season
4: Likely, once or more per session
A: Minor, tolerable
B: Hurts for a while, nearly intolerable but can continue, may add to a condition later in life
C: Incapacitates, life and death struggle without help close by, permanent injury possible
D: Serious, life and death struggle and permanent injury likely
E: Death

Thrill Factor

0: No thrill, boring
1: Minor thrill, yet feels totally safe
2: Good thrill, slight edge
3: Major thrill, delightful, satisfying, a touch frightening
4: Serious thrill, overwhelming, frightening
5: Over the top thrill, downright terrifying

Challenge, Difficulty

Novice: no experience
Beginning: light experience
Intermediate: experience
Advanced: many years at the sport
Expert: refined, knowledgeable
Extreme: world class


0 Boring: Nothing to explore, short trail, likely paved and straight
1 Little Bit: Some twists, might have multiple ways to go, natural
2 Interesting:
3 Wow


0: Frequent conflicts with other trail users, noisy
1: Occasional conflicts, many people seen
2: Rare conflicts, some people seen, some distant traffic or noise
3: Very rare or no conflicts, many see some people, rare artificial noise
4: No conflicts, totally alone, totally quiet and very remote

Copyright 2004, Brent Turcotte.  All rights reserved.  See Disclaimer and Copyright notice.