Bungee (aka Bungy)

Bungee is the thrill of jumping off a structure with ropes tied to a part of your body, the ropes there to prevent you from hitting the ground.

Bungee started off among the Indigenous people of the Penecoste Islands in the South Pacific.  They jumped off of bamboo towers with vines tied to their legs. This form of bungee is thousands of years old and is one of the most dangerous. Vines do not have much give, so the rebound may cause damage to internal organs.  That assumes you don't hit the ground, the vines don't snap and you don't hit the tree itself in the rebound.

The modern version of the sport began with the England's Oxford Dangerous Sports Club on April 1, 1978 from the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol, England.  Commercial jumping for the public began in 1988 the Kockleman Brothers in the US and A.J. Hackett in New Zealand.  Bungee was phenomenially popular for a number of years, then died out a bit because of accidents and high insurance costs.  Those still left in the game are professional and have a high safety record.  Included with this safety record are ropes that stretch more.

Things to jump from
Cranes | Bridges | Buildings (with platforms)  | Towers  | Hot Air Baloons  | Helicopters  | Cable Cars | Trees (two)

Ways to Jump
Body Harness | Leg Harness | Arm Harness | Swallow Dive | Back Dive | Railing Jump | Top of Cage | Bat Drop | Thrown | Cutaway | Sandbagging

Types of Bungee
Bungee Jump | Catapult | Twin Tower | Bungee Run | Bungee Rocket | Snow Bungee Canoe! (???)

Bungee Rocket: You are inside a capsule, the capsule has a bungee cord attached to both the top and bottom of the capsule, attached to platforms on the ground and high in the air.  You are shot straight up about 50 meters in the air.  Then you go up and down and again until all energy is lost in the bungee cords.  This makes for a long bungee ride.
Twin Tower: Human Slingshot Machine.  You sit in a chair at the bottom.  Then you bungee up and down in that chair. http://www.ipwatchdog.com/obspat/obspat_3_21_03.html 
Bungee Run: See how far you can stretch the bungee cord before you are pulled back. http://www.games-to-go.com/bungeerun.html http://www.glogem.com/bungee_run.htm (More games included)

http://www.bungee.com/bzapp/ Bungee.com
http://www.extremedreams.co.uk/ Various extreme sports, including the varieties of bungee described
http://www.fettke.com/bungee/faq.htm Bungee faq
http://www.african-edventure.org/edzone/edvent/bungy/history.html More history
http://uk.geocities.com/osfuk/osf/display.html Bungee stunts  
http://www.bungee.com/bzapp/bsc/option_03.html More options?

Copyright 2004, Brent Turcotte.  All rights reserved.  See Disclaimer and Copyright notice.